Pupils in the final grades of the Banja Luka Gymnasium organized humanitarian "Cookie Fair". The fair was held in the school hall on November 17. Price of the cookies was 1 BAM (approx. 0.5 EUR) and raised money will be given to charity.
Great number of citizens supported this campaign and almost all cookies were sold. Visitors could taste traditional apple cakes, tufahije and other specialties.
“We've been organizing this campaign for the past three years. We make sure that the money raised is donated to families in need”, said Marija Babić, one of the organizers.
Teachers, pupils and great number of citizens participated in the campaign. “Almost every pupil bought cookies and we had many visitors who came only to buy sweets we prepared at home”, said Marija Bocić, a pupil.
All the funds collected during the fair will be donated to a multi-member family from Banja Luka.