Starting on Monday, June 5 till Friday, June 9 in period from 9 am to 8 pm, will last big action of collecting toys for Toy Library’s fund (Igračkoteka), organized by association Parents (udruženje Roditelji) in Podgorica.
All parents and other citizens are invited to contribute to the action by donating undamaged wooden or plastic toys to enrich Igračkoteka Fund, operation within Razvojni centar (Development Center) at association Parents. Since January 2016 when Igračkoteka and Razvojni centar were launched there were implemented 175 workshops for children from the age of 2 to 15 (including their parents), 2,749 toys were borrowed and 282 families sign up for membership in Igračkoteka. According to association Parents’ assessment their services were used by 2,700 children.
Since Igračkoteka’s number of members/families is constantly raising it increases need for fund’s increment. All interested, who desire and can to bestow and gladden children may do it by brining toys every day from 5th to 9th June, in period of 9 am - 8 pm, to Igračkoteka and Razvoni centar premises, at Bracana Bracanovića street no. 74, in Podgorica.